animal husbandry

LTD Farm "living the dream"

Andrew French & Khaiti Kahleck

454 4 1/2 ave

clayton, wi 54004

Opportunity Farm

Nancy Frank

E3602 1450th Avenue

Ridgeland, WI 54763

Sangdalen Farm

Steve and Mary Ann Boe

E1341 1410th Ave

Prairie Farm


At LTD Farm, we run a small scale diversified CSA. Our farm philosophy is based on permaculture methods. We offer on-farm workshops for homesteading skills, fresh duck eggs, kid goats, really free range turkeys and chickens, vegetables, fruits, and a few very special pigs. This is an amazing community and region and we are excited to be a part of it. Food production and self sufficiency skills are 2 of the most important things when thinking of community resilience.

Grassfed Dexter beef, extremely lean and delicious. Dexters are an Irish heritage variety of cattle known for both beef and milk production. They are the perfect size for a smaller acreage family cow, giving 1-2 gallons of milk per day, enough to provide for milk, yogurt, cheese and butter for a family with a little left over. Currently have beef for sale by quarter (approximately 60-75 pounds) or 10# sampler packages, but may have heifer calves available in spring.

Katahdin Sheep

Lamb - 100% grass fed. Rotationally grazed. Lovingly raised. No chemicals.

Breeding stock available occasionally.