Dairy Days
Prairie Farm’s Dairy Days celebration often happens mid July. In the past we have hosted a Community Conservation Carnival.
Following are possible events:
Barron County’s Recycling demonstration board
Exel Energy
UW extension- composting
Badger solid waste
Solar shower
Solar dehydrator
HRTI table with sign ups for community list-serve, group nut tree order, green living class etc.
Chicken tractor
Barron Electric
Watershed model
Ground water model
Solar ovens baking cookies
Energy meter measuring the energy use of different appliances
Bicycle powered light bulb
Information Maze – walk through a maze with questions about the environment, energy use and more. Score your points
Demonstration Tent:
History of PF followed by tour of PF on a horse drawn hayride
Cooking local foods
Dunn County Solid Waste – presentation on recycling etc.
Making worm composting buckets
Garden club presentation
Suggestions anyone?
Beth Huber’s booth
HRTI – Ping Pong ball toss for gold fish
It promises to be a fun day of sharing information and community building!