Stone Soup Project
Stone Soup is back Stone Soup-
Monthly Community Farmers’ Market and Supper
Stone Soup potluck December 2016
Stone Soup in Prairie Farm August 10
Stone Soup August 24 in Ridgeland
1. Bring the community together for a fun event
2. Celebrate the abundance of our farming community
3. Provide food for those in need
4. Provide a venue for the sale/distribution of local food
5. Raise money for the food shelf
Each week during the summer, starting around the end of June, a free community meal would be provided at Prairie Farm, Ridgeland and Dallas on a rotating basis. A church, fellowship or group in each town would be paired with a farm or several farms. Using whatever food was in excess that week, the group would cook a meal for the larger community, a soup, chili, stew, a big salad etc. People would bring their own plate, bowl and utensils to eat the meal.
One church or group could have a bake sale that week as a fundraiser thus providing a dessert to go with supper. Anyone with extra vegetables could bring them to be given away. A container would be provided for free-will offerings for the produce, which would be given to the food shelf. Those without enough resource would be welcomed to take what their family needed for the week. Anyone with produce like raspberries, apples, shallots, or value added products could sell their items.
There has now been events in Ridgeland, Prairie Farm and Dallas. All have been well-attended, fun and rewarding. Neighbors are seeing each other, learning more about each other and in some cases meeting each other for the first time, creating community that could move us toward resilience and re-localization.
For more information, contact Kate Stout, 455-1569,
Stone Soup artwork by Liz Allen of Prairie Farm-
Here are some photos of the second Stone Soup event at Prairie Farm park on July 28 2010
Article in Hay River Review- "Stone Soup Plans Underway"Article in Hay River Review- "Stone Soup Dates Set for Ridgeland and Prairie Farm"