Stone Soup Wraps Up for 2010

Post date: Jun 10, 2010 8:20:0 PM

By Molly Olson for the Hay River Review

On Wed., Sept. 22 the final of many Stone Soup events was held at the Pioneer Park in Prairie Farm. The Stone Soup Project was started by the Hay River Transition Initiative to bring local bounty to people in the area.  Soups were prepared using ingredients raised in the area and local produce was available at the Farmer’s Market. At this last event of the season, attendees enjoyed a free meal of chicken potato leek soup or potato leek soup, fresh bread with butter and great company! The chickens were donated by Donna Goodlaxson, and Kate Stout donated the leeks and potatoes. The delicious bread was baked by Sara Nagler in her bread oven. There was also a bake sale with proceeds going to Hay River Transition Initiative. 

Throughout the summer there were other free Stone Soup meals in Ridgeland on July 14, August 11, and September 8th and Prairie Farm on July 28th, and August 25th.  There was also one event hosted in Dallas on Friday, August 13. 

Many thanks go out to the people who put on the free meals. Contributors included members of the HRTI, the United Methodist Church, and individuals who just wanted to be involved in a communally prepared meal. At the last Ridgeland event, $60 was raised for the food shelf. Donations of extra vegetables were given to the food shelf, as well as offered to the attendees

Stone Soup will return next year with more free meals available to the public as well as an expanded Farmer’s Market. The events offer a chance for the community to get together and share a meal, as well as a chance for local producers to sell their goods. If anyone is interested in getting involved in the planning for next year contact Molly Olson at, 455-1514 Erin Link at, 455-1087. Please watch for Stone Soup events in 2011!

Kate Stout, whose inspiration drove the Stone Soup events

Sara Nagler, who made bread for the events in her own brick bread oven

Kate Stout (left) and Molly Olson (right, who helped organize the Prairie Farm Stone Soup events

Olivia enjoying the soup with Margo Berg

Adeline tries out the soup that daddy (Ben) feeds her with as Grandpa (George Adams) helps out.

Oden eats some soup as big brother Clayton and a little friend look on.

Liz Allen shopping at the Stone Soup bake sale.