Relief from Dull Eating in the Winter

Post date: Dec 31, 2012 12:53:52 AM

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Updated Sprouts & Microgreens Jan 20

Are you hungry for something fresh and green during these often gray days of winter? If you are, then join us for a 90-minute workshop, "Winter Gardening: Sprouts, Shoots, Microgreens & Hydroponics," presented at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, January 15, 2013, at the Prairie Farm Village Hall classroom. This workshop will allow you to see actual "hands-on" ways to grow tasty greens using materials you have around the house, as well as using special equipent for those dedicated to more variety and volume.

Hydroponics is a method that allows gardeners to grow food to eat year-around using nutrient-rich water instead of soil. Come and hear Gayle Adams tell about the ebb and flow hydroponic system she and her husband use in their home to grow greens as part of their sustainable gardening practices. Hydroponics allows them to be more in control of their own healthy food supply during the winter.

If you are interested in growing fresh sprouts right away, packages of organic sprouting seeds and wheat berries for wheatgrass will be offered for sale at the workshop. It does not take many seeds to make fresh, tasty, healthy sprouts to liven up your winter meals!

This workshop is presented as a part of the "Everything Gardens" series, sponsored by the Hay River Transition Initiative (HRTI.) Information about HRTI can be found at

Please contact either Judy Ferber (715-455-2049), or Marjie Dickey (715-357-0022), with questions or to let us know you will be attending.

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