Solar Oven Workshop

Here are some photos of the workshop. We built 20 ovens! About 30 people attended and all the ovens were completed by 1:30 PM with the first being done at 11:30. The first couple of ovens went out in the sun and made hot water in a pot that was too hot to lift in less than 20 minutes. Another person warmed up their lunch meat and melted cheese. Judy went home and warmed up left-overs for dinner. Next time we will have cookie dough or something to cook for the group. 

The ovens were a rainbow of colors with one or more of the following colors; white, black,light blue, dark blue, green, yellow, red and brown.

The Hay River Transition Initiative in conjunction with Prairie Farm School Community Education will be holding a workshop to build solar ovens. There are hundreds of do it yourself solar oven plans available and we have chosen to build an inexpensive yet durable All Season Solar Cooker. Examples of the oven can be found here. ( Looks like this website no longer exists but the instructions are included below)

The photo above is by Gabriel Miller and the cooker was designed by Jim La Joie. The oven is built out of a corrugated plastic sheet. The reflective surface is made with aluminum foil duct tape and is held together with ¼” bolts. It is lightweight and folds flat when disassembled.

The cost of the workshop will be $25. That will include all the materials needed to build the cooker.

The workshop will be held at Prairie Farm School in the elementary multi-purpose room on May 12, 2012 from 9:00 AM - 1:00PM

Preregistration is required and can be done below.

This workshop has already happened. Registration is now closed.

Two jars painted black inside a gallon jar

Dark pot in a turkey roaster bag to retain heat and moisture

The unfolded cooker

Two jars painted black inside a gallon jar on pie plate on a trivet

Building ASSC Instructions Reduced.pdf
Cut pattern instructions.pdf
ASSC Schematic.pdf
HRTI SolarCookerInstructions.pdf
Sunsight plan.pdf
Solar oven workshop materials checklist.pdf
Sheet two instructions.pdf
Folding and Covering.pdf

Below are the patterns for making the Jumbo version of the cooker

Dimensions for Jumbo.pdf
Jumbo Layout.pdf