Food & Gardening
A good deal of our efforts surround growing, preserving, cooking and eating food. These efforts are somewhat spread out in the many classes offered in the Traditional/Green Skills events and individual classes in Classes & Workshops sections.
Below are some of the projects that were not included in the Education section of the website.
Swashbuckler A collection dishes, silverware and food preperation equipment available to the public.
Community Garden A space available in Prairie Farm where you can grow your own food.
Seed & Plant Swaps A listing of Seed, plant and perennial plant swaps hosted by the Hay River Transition Initiative.
Canning Lending Library Equipment for canning food that can be borrowed. It also contained a seed library earlier.
2014 Hay River 100 Mile Local Food Challenge to encourge people to eat food produces in the local area.
2013 Pluck and Cluck Tour July 21, 2013
Gardening Till-a-Thon A program to help people establish a new garden by suppling a tiller and operator to till up a garden.