
As of 11/16/2021 it looks like the Chippewa Valley Timebank website no longer exists. There aren't any active timebanks close to our area but if you would like to learn more or create one here is the place to go. https://timebanks.org/

"The vision of the Chippewa Valley Timebank is a network connecting individuals by exchanging time to enhance lives, neighbors and communities."

What is a Timebank?

 A time bank is a community of people who support each other. When you spend an hour doing something for an individual or group, you earn a time dollar. Then you can use that time dollar to buy an hour of a neighbor’s time or engage in a group activity offered by a neighbor. Take a look at the time banking cartoon to see some examples! You get to know your neighbors and build an old-fashioned extended family of people who take care of each other. Time banks change whole communities.


The HRTI had been investigating starting a timebank when we found out that one was started up already. Although many of the members are currently from the Eau Claire area the timebank was set up for Dunn, Chippewa and Eau Claire counties. They are open to those living in Barron county. We would like get as many people as possible from our area signed up and exchanging hours.

The web form below asks for some very personal information. This is done so a background check can be done on all the members making it safer for all to deal with potentially unknown members. After filling out the form you will be contacted in a few days and helped to set up an account and shown how to interact with the timebank website.

For more information check out the http://www.chippewavalleytimebank.org/join.aspx web site. You can download a paper application and the timebank handbook. There is no fee for an individual to join the timebank but a $10 donation is suggested.

They also have Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/ChippewaValleyTimebank/